The Judeo-Capitalist Axis: An Explanation (updated draft 2)
(c)2013 His High Witness, The Prophet V

"I ain't afraid of no Christ!"*<---CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE!


Many people have asked - or wilfully misunderstood - what I mean when I speak of the Judeo-Capitalist Axis. This is a theory that explains the true nature of the conspiracy against Progressive Communities, particularly within the underclass. Capitalism is not the cause of our present misery. It is merely one of many symptoms of a form of religious worship that has limited the human race for thousands of years, which in the Far East evolved into Hinduism, then Buddhism, but which in the West and Middle East become highly sophisticated variants on Judaism - then later Christianity, followed by Islam. Judaism is the most intelligent and versatile of all modern religions, and like Christianity and Islam that emerged from it, it is not our business to "hate" anyone who adheres to these cults. It is a case of demonstrating better alternatives. Once again, it is important to say that I cannot and would not attack individuals on racial grounds (though genetics may play a part) but what they stand for - their corrupt values, NOT accidents of birth over which individuals have no control. By this definition, all Christians are Jews, and so are all Muslims. I make no attempt to attack people on grounds of race.

For an analysis of Jews (including Christians and Muslims) and their infiltration of the British political, economic and cultural spheres at the highest level.....:


Marxists are simply content to attack our society as diseased by capitalism - going on empirical Occum's Razor principles of the simplest explanation being the most likely or plausible. However, this is to misread the nature of a struggle that has been going on for thousands of years, before capitalism as we know it today even existed. Marxism has many strengths, but its sense of outrage and protest has an ascetic quality that would be as familiar to the followers of Moses and Christ as to anything that Lenin subsequently wrote. Marxism is semi-Jewish, written by Marx, in some ways a turncoat from his own Jewish diaspora, with latent capacity for criticising all aspects of Judeo-Capitalism. Therefore, Marxism, for all its materialism, is fundamental to developing better alternatives. There is sufficient anti-Jewish rhetoric buried within Marxism to allow for co-operatation and co-existence with Marxists in certain spheres.

In the very earliest civilisations, "religion" and "economy" were, in part, very much interchangeable ideas. Paganism has a mercantile element to it that relates to the produce of the soil, as well as a contrary anti-mercantile element relating to its spiritual meaning.

What seems to have occurred, in an extra-historical sense, is that a split occured in paganism between the sensual element that affirmed the pleasures of earthly existence, sexuality and fertility and an ascetic element that was earth-denying. The attempt to reconcile these two schools of thought would eventually being absorbed into the modern religious we know today, from Hinduism in the far-East, to Judaism, Christianity and Islam in much of the Middle East, Europe and America. All the worlds "classical" religions share a common pagan ancestry - and all fundamentally revolve around the related problems of sexuality and money.

Love is the most crude and basic means by which we worship - if not God exactly - then certainly something approaching that end, and the sexual outcome of that finalises this process. It exists in us from birth until death, perhaps beyond. It can lead us on paths to danger if we are unwise, which is why people have feared and sought to control it. It can lead us to glory and the securities of family life. It is a prison that we fail to acknowledge as such at our peril, even if that prison is beautiful. Incorporation of the intellect and full pleasure and luxury of the sexual parts is not possible in natural love. The awful truth is that love has to be made safe upon before it is tolerable. Wild, untamed love and sexual passion can kill us.

Money is a fast, brutal and efficient way of harnessing the sensual and ascetic energies and streamlining the passions. The crudest and quickest way to persuade people to part with their money is to excite the cruellest and basest sexual passions, which are then frequently followed by guilt. Most societies make use of it. However, although it is certainly true that the Hindu spiritual diaspora (including Buddhism) is by no means above using money for illicit ends, its Jewish cousin (incorporating Judaism, Christianity and Islam)- which shares the same pagan ancestry in part - has far excelled in this. It relates to the nature of Jewish thinking that shapes both its supporters and its opponents.

The Hindu strain can be criticised for being neurotic and cruel in its treatment of human beings as needing gentleness and peace, even when this actually becomes a disturbing idea in face of brutal realities, and when accepting our fate seems outrageous and unreasonable. Judaism is the smartest of all mainstream world-religions. It sees the problem in all truth - all love - all humanity - as having the potential for corruption - in need of policing and constant investigation and enquiry. It protests "Why should it be this way?". It was the first epic world protest of this kind. This is why Jews are often the greatest of all intellectuals. However, the Jewish strain of thinking requires no such commitment to peace as we find in the Hindu strain leading to Buddhism. I like to compare it to the idea of bulimia, in which pleasures, passions, loves and hates are gorged on to excess and then vomited out again in the form of guilt. This, indeed, is also how the Jewish strain chooses to treat human beings: as people to be savoured, loved, cherished and destroyed, often at the same time. We see this pattern actually get worse in some ways with the advent of Christianity, which is why, quite rightly, many Jews regard Christ as sick and a bastard. Attacking Islam is more complex case insofar is it wants to be a moon-worshipping pagan cult but ends up as a strange throwback to pre-Christian Judaism, with all the peculiar bulimic limits of that beautiful but ultimately self-defeating disease.

Now, the cycles of love and hate or feast and famine bear a remarkable similarity to the cycles of capitalism. Christ was an ecstasy, followed by an agony. To a much lesser extent, they say something about the nature of Marxist communism as a great sacrificial struggle, followed by a feast, but here the analogy is less clear.

The connection between Jews and Hollywood, as well as California more widely is very much known, and may even be stronger today than it ever was. (Even some elements in the gay community in California speaks and act in a remarkably Jewish way.). Jews and their derivative offspring alike know that they cannot get most educated people into churches or synagogues anymore, so they preach very similar moral messages through cinema instead.


If by Anti-Semitism we mean hating specific individuals solely because of an accident of birth, or a race, this is unacceptable. It does not solve the Jewish problem, though it must be said that the cultural and racial stereotypes are self-replicated with a depressing familiarity. Jews gave us much of the entire modern framework for criticising the essence of humanity itself. To surpass that, we would have to do better than the Jewish scholars, who have developed a very high standard of classical learning, and not simply attack without supplying further validation: though this can be useful as a means of expression outrage. If we cannot come up with an alternative that allows individuals to change course spiritually, regardless of the religious or political origins they came from, we have no business criticising the Jewish strain.

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