Sexuality and Gender
(c)2013 His High Witness, The Prophet V


STATEMENT ON SEX, SEXUALITY & GENDER (Family Version: suitable for the general public: Certificate 12A}

This is an essay written in response to questions I have had about matters relating to sex, sexuality and gender. First, I will tackle the issues raised by feminism, go on to discuss both good and bad forms of masculinity and femininity, and then outline correct sexual morality. Although broadly, the effect of my moral position is 'liberal', particularly when it comes to promoting women's education and employment opportunities, there WILL be things in what I have to say that will upset liberal opinion, and the truth is often more complicated than party-political posturing. For example, advocating polyamory INSTEAD of promiscuity is NOT a truly liberal position. It demands that, wherever possible, we take responsibility for our sexual conduct through the long-established institution of marriage, or, at the very least, through having a matrimonial frame of mind in our most intimate friendships.

A specific guide relating to male same-sex relationships can be downloaded by typing in the following address:


Because most traditional religions have hostile views towards women holding senior positions of power, and, in some cases, dominating men in the workplace, some have assumed that those are my views as well. They aren't. The whole trajectory of my faith is towards a robust female sex that is able to lead by example, and, on occasion, to remove certain impurities inherent in male behaviour through Maternal Assertiveness and Sexual Correctness (See below)


Whether we like it or not, overally, 50/50 equality - in which the aspiration of feminists is to split gender-power absolutely down-the-middle - has been a bad deal for both sexes, and only delivered progress for a very small number of people. Not even women, who have most benefited from feminist '50/50' aspirations, are entirely united on this policy, even to the point of some women. (There are even women's anti-feminist groups). At a future point in time, my religion advocates a 'sexual economy' in which:
-----a: Women become the dominant sex in most matters of politics and economics, but with equal pay and equal access to work and education. Maternal Assertiveness - with a passionate embrace of fertility and children, intimate community with other women and the softening of harmful masculinities - can replace feminism whilst in no way diluting true female empowerment.
-----b: Men are replaced by feminised 'boy-women' who, for the most part are dominant in all intimate sexual matters and have full and uninhibited carnal domination over their female rulers and all other purely feminine human beings. This includes fertility matters, because this ought to be the result of joyful, spontaneous passions.
-----c: Women must continue their current journey towards correct sexuality rather than the nonsensical definitions of 'gay', 'straight' or 'bi'. Part of Sexual Correctness is that our sexuality is wide-ranging and crosses genders, but is also fixed, eternal and binding, hidden only by fear and repression. More and more women - including so-called 'straight' women - are discovering the advantages of a female partner, and the many joyous energies that are released as a result: both of a womanly and/or 'boyish' nature. If that's you, then "Good luck!". If it isn't, then keep trying! Similarly, some so-called 'gay' women are making the journey in the opposite direction towards having male partners, although this is far less important as an eventual outcome.

I can guarantee you that if adhered to correctly, this policy will result in fewer wars, greater global harmony, and less need to fetishise sexuality for commercial purposes.


The male sex continually prevents the female sex from access to vital social and economic opportunities and areas of society where equality between the sexes is badly needed, but NOT for the reasons most women think.

The reason some men instinctively block women from legitimate positions of power has very little to do with mysogyny or economics, and a great deal to do with sexual anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Quite simply, the male sex is only living half a full emotional life.

Were men originally responsible for causing sexual distress? Yes. I would not deny it. But are some men now being hounded by some women and made to repeatedly pay the price for their original crimes beyond what is fair and reasonable? Also, yes.


Wherever the social and economic situation allows, 'fertility treatment' to increase fertility or contraception or abortion to reduce it ought to be abolished - and always, in every case, the desire to get pregnant should be instilled as the norm in every female, and the desire to impregnate the female in every male. This is to divert the instinct for war and violence - to curtail life- into the desire to increase it.

Arrogant women fail to appreciate the harm they are doing by assuming that their male partners lack emotional sensitivity in their sexual desires. But imagine the potential emotional emptiness of a male of having the potential to be a father and remaining childless - never being able to hold a baby in his arms. For some males, these issues really matter. They have become the forbidden fruits of love.

Male homosexual desires can represent a form of 'fertility'. Instead, men frequently waste this essential part of themselves chasing after inappropriate men that will not add to their femininity, or give their masculinity balance. Bad homosexuality can tear up males, whereas good same-sex relationships not only enhance them, but give delight to women as well. Wives in long-term marriages will report feelings of tenderness and security, and even a twitch of delight - in knowing that their husbands have a safe homosexual outlet. Such an outlet will also allow men to deflect some raw masculine tensions away from women, which can only add to a happy and healthy marriage.


We need to take a balanced view of women's progress. Despite obvious unfairnesss in relation to the pay-gap between men and women, we in the West have progressed in terms of women in the workplace. Even so, we seem to have exported the worst excesses of misogyny to the Developing World - so that Third World women do the dirty work that Western Women refuse to do. Why has this happened?

A former female partner of mine gently educated me out of my soft-feminism by pointing out how, on a very primal level of sexuality and child-rearing, male and female are just different. Some of those differences lead to arguments, and - if left unchecked - a war between the sexes - one which men invariably win - and often quite cruelly so.

Because we ignore these primal differences out of a sense of liberal enlightenment, we set the scene for a very dirty, very disturbing underworld, in which women can be legitimately killed, or sold or married by force, to a ravenous male appetites that obey none of the niceties of Western gender politics. From the Taliban to Boko Haram - we see everywhere the ugly results of the parts of our being that feminism would prefer not to absorb, and, in so doing, neutralise.

For some women, it may already be too late. For them, the clock has already been turned back.

The real debate is not between women and men, but between femininity, in its most lush and silken form, and raw masculinity at its most enraged and bestial. Many women would agree that their growing sons have a lovely feminine touch they they find endearing in both mind and body, and mourn its passing in late adulthood when the pressure to 'be a man' is both social and biological. ;-)


As far as is reasonably possible, I seek to free people from the excessive tyranny of the 'right time' for an intimate relationship and to promote marriage within strong polyamorous bonds beyond the normal limits of gender, and the 'tick-box sexualities' (and their related stereotypes) that do little to foster deeper growth. This might also have the advantage of potentially reducing the number of children in single-parent families where this proves to be a problem. However, at the same time, I would be very concerned if anyone were to act rashly any on my advice on so delicate a matter. As a general rule, Omegan sexual morality is broader and more robust, but I do NOT advocate a 'free-for-all'. Even in a robust sexual climate, we all need rules, and without these rules, serious dangers exist for your health and wellbeing and those you are partners with. Indeed, the more certain behaviours are opened up to robust vigour, the more vigilant we all have to be - not only to protect ourselves, but those closest to us. This is especially important where there are families with children, as children need to be given the best possible start in life.

If the possibility of waking up next to more than one partner fills you with dread, or you dislike the potential ecstasy of heaving passionately together in polygamous groups, disciplined only by the rules of the Omegan faith, then consider how much worse it is to wake up lonely, to go through series of failed marriages to keep up the pretence of monogamy, or for your children to be farmed out to care-workers rather than to other parents within your family who might have a better understanding of their individual needs. We have a moral responsibility to make love at the centre of relationships and family life, even sometimes at the expense of our own immediate selfish wants and desires. Monogamy has failed this test, and it is time we threw it aside.

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