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THE THEOLOGY OF OMEGANISM {This text is copyrighted as of 2018AD}

in more depth

PART 1: Timeline of Events

Coming of the First Deity

The Story of Omeganism can be truly said to have taken shape in Blackpool, Lancashire, England, 1992. A series of spiritual visions - said to have begun some time around the 24th of January - set me on a unique spiritual path, which culminated in the religion that is now called OMEGANISM.

Here is the story as I now understand it. The Temporans - an "alien", formless spiritual race from a far off time in the future - sent one of their messengers to Earth, known as Artek - the First Deity of Omeganism mentioned elsewhere in this website. Artek - taking a human "holographic" form - chose me as His main spiritual "ambassador" between Planet Earth and the Temporan time-space zone. For reasons that will become clearer in the next few paragraphs, Artek is also known as the "Prince of Spiritual Darkness". Contrary to certain misconceptions, here are no Satanic elements to Artek in His time and place, just as there is no concept of "good" or "evil" to him as we would understand them, and no concept of God being "love". These are HUMAN prejudices, and - unlike the Temporans, human beings have a far greater capacity to misunderstand.

So....just to make that clear. Human beings are flawed creatures who tend to seek love, comfort and what is familiar. The Temporans are almost flawless, fairly flat emotionally, but powerful in their effects. When you understand things the way the Temporans do, you will never want to just be "only human" ever again!

Just before I became aware of Artek directly contacting me as such, I was given the image of a black triangle - exactly like the one in the Omegan "flag" symbol you'll see everywhere on my websites and blogs. Now, the important thing to understand about triangles is that unlike curves, they are rarely found in nature. So if the "circle" part of the flag relates to the world, to nature, and to feminine sensuality, and the "square" part relates to human-made endeavours, to land and to money, then the "triangle" part is like some unearthly, alien arrow that points to the future. That is why Artek's sacred number is represented as being 60-60-60: the three angles of a right-angled, equilateral triangle - and NOT (as some ignorant people have suggested) further evidence of some "Satanic conspiracy"!

Artek is the most important of all of what we shall call the Four Deities. He appears as a thin, strict, masterful human figure. He represents Spiritual Darkness? Spiritual Darkness is NOT the same as the kind of darkness you get when you turn out the lights at night! It is a darkness of an altogether superior kind - to represent a superior intelligence to our own. He is there to show up the human race for the flawed species it really is: full of prejudices and misunderstandings. But from a day-to-day human point of view, Artek's dogmatic strictness, and mistrust of anything "human" can seem difficult to comprehend. And that is why there are no less than THREE other Deities. This is a recognition that not everyone is ready for Artek, or the Temporans, and so - sometimes - other Deities have to lead us very gradually towards him.

Coming of the Other Three Deities

As stated earlier, Artek's bleak dismissal of the human race and the strictness of His commands can seem a little insensitive for those that have need of comfort and of healing through Spiritual Light. It was with this in mind that the Second Deity of Erlica came into my consciousness some time around 1995.

Erlica - the Second Deity and the most feminine of all the Deities - usually takes the form of a loving, caring, sensual, voluptuous woman, but with elements of maleness, and both male AND female parts. She is also known as MIstress Erlica and "Queen of All Queens": owing to Her grace, beauty, and wisdom, which comes as much from Her sensuality as Her intellect. She is usually (but not always) exceedingly plump, and invariably (but not always) pink-skinned, has blonde hair and blue eyes. She came to resolve the more day-to-day human problems that Artek had no interest in solving. She constantly argues with Her sister, Hedona, the Fourth Deity, who rules over raw, untamed nature, and with Anathema, the Third Deity of Industry, Politics and Moral Slavery. Hedona believes in complete surrender to nature, and Anathema to work and industry - and in both cases, a torturous sexuality. Put very simply, Erilca tries to mediate between these two deities, who - behind the scenes - often end up on the same side. In other cases, she will take the side of one deity or the other if she judges that this is the right thing to do, and tries to soften the harsh sexuality of both Hedona and Anathema - making both masculine vigour and feminine receptivity work better in harmony with each other.

The interplay between the Three Lower Deities and myself as Prophet has produced the moral and culture system of values known as The Fairmark, which is also the name for the Omegan flag symbol.

PART 2: The Fairmark

Morality in General

The Holy Book of The Republic tries to avoid being a "moral finger-wagging" book as we might find in parts of the Bible or Qu'ran - because we never know what circumstances might require us to break a particular moral code. Instead, it seeks to illustrate with mental pictures and lead by example. All the same, to ensure that the Faith I have set out lasts for future generations, it is necessary to set out some directives for behaviour. This body of morals and structural conduct is known collectively as The Fairmark.

It would be impossible to go into great length as to what each moral statement was in the body of the Fairmark. The Bible has Ten Commandments given in the Old Testament. But Omeganism has no less an equivalent! Indeed, the Twenty One Articles go into far more depth as to some aspects of behaviour than their nearest equivalent in the Bible! In addition - and even more important than the Twenty One Articles - come the Five Virtues. These Five Virtues are not expectations for behaviour as such, but broad statements as to how one should meditate within towards the morality of the Fairmark.

To sum up some of the areas the Fairmark covers, there are many rules governing the attitude one should adopt to oneself - as proud rather than guilty, humble or afraid, and to others. There are rules around the conduct of record-keeping, business and finance. There are rules on the appropriate timing for certain activities. There are rules against tattoos and piercings, the over-use of drugs and alcohol, and rules on the use of violence: particularly the potential horrors of murder, and the outlawing of all guns: a World First for any religion that I know of!

The Liberating Power of Loving Polyamory In The Fairmark

One area of particular controversy - even though I never intended for it to be - is in the area of sexual morality. Omeganism is a religion that advocates deep, loving, healing polyamory, and also believes that there is only ONE sexuality that all of us share: which includes both heterosexual and homosexual elements, as well as other forms of sexuality. As a general "rule of thumb", it is unwise for any government to legislate to punish the private sexual lives of individuals, married couples, married polyamorous groups or familes, even if the intention is to protect others from harm. Oppressive, brutal dictatorships can so easily hide behind concern for the vulnerable, for pregnant females or the young, and use sexual shaming as a way of snooping on people, or imprisoning and torturing dissidents

It is probably fair to say that the body of the Fairmark is both strict in its expectations, yet relaxed in its style and attitude when it comes to sexuality. However, the Law of the Fairmark proposes one very simple protection against harm during sexual explorations. An individual can choose to report any other suspect to a specific authority, without the need to ever go to the police or to a court, and that authority can assist in having the alleged victim's locks changed and in barring the suspect from the immediate vicinity - a measure that would balance the needs of both alleged victim and suspect. Other than this particular rule, there are other rules that tend to discourage (but not ban) barrier contraception or abortion as forms of birth control unless there are quite specific reasons for using these methods. Again, the aim is to defend against the misuse of sexual slander or population control by unscrupulous governments.

It is worth bearing in mind that supposedly "democratic" governments have probably imprisoned more people for sexual reasons than both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia combined: and more than the countless Islamic dictatorships strewn across the globe. Even where sexual behaviour strays from what others considered acceptable - and even goes beyond the fairly broad-minded, relaxed laws within the Fairmark - compassion and healing is nearly always the solution - NOT punishment.

The Dawls, politics, and differences with other religions

If you are a student of business or management sciences, or even if you are not, you may be surprised and intrigued by how much time and effort is given in Holy Book of the Republic to how the proposed Omegan religious order should actually work in practice. The Dawls - roughly the equivalent of "churches" - but with an Omegan emphasis - are set out in quite specific detail, right down to the layout of the buildings, proposed financial settlements, charitable works (where appropriate) and how a typical "application" (like a "church service") should be conducted. Proper and ethical management, and the avoidance of practices that undermine the credibility of Dawls, or bring the faith into disrepute, are discussed at some length.

Broadly speaking, Omeganism should be profoundly uninterested in being "ecumenical" or engaging in "multi-faith" activities. Either you for the Faith, or you are not. There can be no "big tent" where everyone is invited. Omeganism is a spiritual revolution, or else, it is wasting valuable time. There are exceptions to this principle, but these are few and far between.

A statement that can never be repeated enough is "BEWARE OF POLITICS!". Politics is the preserve of Anathama, and so its usefulness in solving the world's problems must be brought into question. Nonethless, in honour of Anathema's contribution to civilisation, the Holy Book of The Republic does make political proposals of a sort - and with good reason! If Omeganism is to establish itself, it reluctantly has to deal with the ingrained segments of our political Establishment that dislike new ideas, and particularly new ideas that they see as a threat. Indeed, Omeganism has its own sociology too - of a sort - and this sociology claims that almost all forms of oppression in society are related to aspects of Established Religion, and not merely to social class and economics, as Marxists seem to claim.

The fact that people of other religions seem willing to slander Omeganism - (at present) a mere insect in its influence compared with even the most obscure religious cult - suggests that there are some people out there who do not want you to know about the Holy Book of the Republic (which is being written as we speak), or the new faith. It suggests that even the mildest forms of protest against established religions represents a threat to some people: a threat they are willing to suppress by force. Quite what I have done to deserve such a fate is not entirely clear - but perhaps it suggests that I am, indeed, "onto something" after all!....
